“Caring and Sharing. The Heritage Environment as an Agent for Change”
31st May – 2nd June 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
The ENPI CBC Black Sea JOP Project ALECTOR is a first attempt at Black Sea Level to equally offer dislocated audiences the chance to create their personal place-bonding with cultural assets presented independently of place and time, promoting the Project region at global level with exceptional cognitive-emotional heritage experiences.
The Project’s International Conference aims to communicate to multiple target publics the project achieved results, methodologies and planning strategies developed, local implemented pilot applications using the international experience in the heritage sector and more particular in the conservation, protection, management and communication of heritage.
The Conference title “Caring and Sharing: The Heritage Environment as an Agent for Change” intends to sample contributions from the international academic community and share across multiple target publics project results achieved, methodologies developed and planning strategies suggested, offering at the same time an international forum on issues regarding the sustainable place making and the dynamics of cultural values for regional and local development. In this way comprehension and support of local governments and related decision makers along with the awareness of the general public, will be raised and maintained.